I slid off the road on Monday morning on my way to the job site. I was moving into the next lane to pass a truck on my way up the pass when I hit a patch of ice. It had been slushing (fat rain, rain/snow mix). I have been driving a Ford Explorer while I am out of town because it has 4-wheel drive. Unfortunately the only thing that rolls more easily than a Ford Explorer is a 12 passenger van. I remembered that as I was carreening out of control down the interstate and the only thing that I could think most of the time was "too fast, i'm sliding too fast." I thought for sure that it would roll once I hit the gravel, but thankfully it didn't and I am alive to tell the tale.
That's where I left the road.
The damage. Pretty much the only casualty was the tail light, and some gouges in the paint from the barbed wire. I thought when I initially stopped that something was wrong with the front end, but the snow plow driver helped me drive it out and it seems to be running just fine.
As I was spinning I actually remembered to turn my wheels into the spin. I would like to credit Austin for talking about turning into the slide and the physics involved over and over again. It could have been the thing that stopped me from rolling.
After all was said and done and I was sitting at the job site I decided to give my mom a call and let her know what happened. I said that it had to have been the hand of God that saved me from a roll over. Then she told me what had happened the day before. She and my Dad had accidentally fasted on Sunday thinking that it was fast Sunday. When they had realised their mistake they shrugged it off and my uncle who was visiting my parents and had fasted with them commented that they must have needed to fast. I'm glad that they did. I am thankful for the extra protection from my parents faith.
Oh wow I'm so glad you are safe!!!!! I know I'm a little hormonal these days, but I'm fighting back tears thinking I could've lost you. Love you sweetie!
Scary!!! I'm so glad you're ok! I can testify that Heavenly Father really is mindful of you...I put your name on the prayer roll at the temple last Saturday. :) Love you!
Mă bucur că aţi adus aminte de ce să facă şi eşti bine. Cu adevarat a asistat la Duhul Sfânt aduce aminte de adevăruri.
That sounds super scary. I am happy to hear you are ok and there wasn't that much damage to you or your car.
Kenz I just found your blog. I am so glad you weren't hurt!